====== Marian Stride - Sally O [DEAD] ====== {{ photo:marian stride.jpg}} **Name:** Marian Stride\\ **Ship:** Nemesis\\ **Bio:**Stride is the self-appointed captain of the Earth Evacuation Security Task Force (EESTF), a newly-formed law enforcement organisation whose purpose is to restore the rule of law to the Fleet. Prior to the formation of the EESTF, she was a captain in the UCCNZFJ’s own Combined Peacekeeping Force, and was stationed aboard her ship, the Nemesis, carrying out routine manoeuvers when the nukes started going off on Earth. She has a reputation for being severe, but she certainly has a knack for inspiring discipline, and seems to be well-liked by those in command aboard the Princess.\\ **Email:** [[marian_stride@princess.chaosdeathfish.com]] {{tag>bio dead}}