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When and Where

Sessions of Princess will start at 7.30pm (with players free to arrive from 7.00pm) on in Keble College on Tuesday evenings from 1st to 7th weeks of Trinity Term 2016 (26th April - 7th June), with a final debrief session planned for Tuesday of 8th week (14th June). This page will be updated when this is confirmed with information on how to get there, and the information will also be emailed out to the Society mailing list (see here for details of the Mailing Lists).

For Weeks 1-4, and the Debrief in Week 8, we will be in the Gibbs Room. For Weeks 5-7 we will be in the Royce Griffiths Room. Both of these are in Keble College and the Porters will be able to direct you to the correct locations.

when_and_where.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/25 22:45 by gm_tom